Why would anybody want to visit an erotic museum? Glad you asked. There are more than a few very solid reasons why these places exist, and why everyone (older than 18) should pay them a visit. You might learn something new about yourself, get some new ideas about sexuality, and probably break some taboos regarding erotica. We know that you’re intrigued, so do yourself a favor and read the heck’ on!


28kg (61.7lb)

Bunny – 5’1″ (TPE Teen Sex Doll®)

Original price was: $1,899.00.Current price is: $1,399.00.

25kg (55.1lb)

Brandy – 3’6.5″ (Exclusive Series®)

Original price was: $1,399.00.Current price is: $999.00.
madam dolly canada sex museum
Photograph: Andrey Smirnov/AFP (


First off, we need to clarify that there are many kinds of erotic museums. Some have permanent fixtures, meaning they always display the same stuff, while others rotate exhibitions like most traditional museums. However, one thing is for sure; all of them deal with art that is erotic in nature.

Art is vital to all human cultures; it is diverse and wild and made for expression. It is not strictly regulated, and it deals with a wide array of subjects and topics, so erotica creeps into its chambers from time to time. And why wouldn’t it? Sexuality is a core part of our being, and some artists feel the need to showcase this through their creations.

To better grasp The Erotic Museum’s mission, we have to think about what art is and its aim. 

The conservative artist will tell you that art is the creation of beauty, borrowed from the “real” world and presented in the form of a painting, sculpture, a piece of music, and so on. 

Modernists, on the other hand, have a very understanding of art. They reject the classical definition and its boundaries, and claim that art can be anything and everything; it’s up to us to decide. Erotic art can be found both within the classical and modern schools of thought. 

In the traditional sense of the word, art allows us to get a different perspective on the objects that it represents. For example, a painting of a tragic event separates us from the unpleasantness of tragedy and enables us to see it with different eyes. In this way, we can contemplate such a circumstance more deeply, and maybe even find some beauty in it.

Unlike tragedy, sexual experiences are (usually) pleasurable and intense. When looking at erotic art, we can separate ourselves from the experience, and thus see all the different sides of a sexual act – humorous, beautiful, animalistic, and, perhaps, ugly? These insights may provide us with some new ideas about ourselves as sexual beings, and the place of sexuality in our own lives as well as in society.

Modern erotic art is a bit more difficult to explain and understand, as most of it is left for the viewer to interpret. It can be shocking, educational, exciting, arousing, and anything you want it to be. To give you an example, we’ve seen exhibitions where artist dress up a custom sex doll, place it in a glass box, and voila – art!

sex sculpture in amsterdam
Sculpture at The Erotic Museum, Amsterdam


How can sexual imagery be considered art if its primary goal is to arouse?

But, ist that really the goal of erotic art? In part, yes, but not as a whole, and certainly not in this day and age. After all, today, we can make a very clear distinction between porn and erotic art, and now we’d like to further elaborate on this.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “pornography”? Video footage and photographs of naked people having sex, right? Everyone knows why we watch porn, and nobody tries to argue that it is an art form.

On the other hand, when we speak about erotic art, we refer to paintings, drawings, abstract pieces, and photography, which is made for various reasons, arousal being only one of them. We would even argue that arousal is a side-effect of viewing erotic art, because, well, you can’t help it!

Erotic art is made to provoke, to shock, to give us an insight into our sexuality that we haven’t realized before, so one could argue that it even has an educational character. 

Let’s take an exhibition from the New York Museum of Sex as an example. This exhibition teaches us about the sexual subcultures present in the city throughout its history. These were undercurrents of daily life, which many people were unaware of, but which had an impact on the city’s mainstream. In the exhibition, you can learn about sex trends in different decades, including the 1980’s orgies that were the catalyst for catastrophe as AIDS crept into the country.

As you can see, erotic art is an umbrella term that encompasses many different mediums and creations, so to dismiss it all as “a cover-up for porn” would be unreasonable.


The West has seen a suppression and persecution of all things sexual for more than a millennium. Human sexuality was deemed wrong, and something that led into sin, and eventually damnation. 

Things have, obviously, changed, and sex and erotica aren’t such taboo topics like several hundred years ago. However, it’s still not completely acceptable to openly discuss these issues outside of the bedroom or a group of close friends.  

Public dealings about these topics were, and still are, the work of intellectuals, philosophers, and, more recently, activists. An average Joe like, well, most of us probably won’t get a lot of luck trying to speak about sex in the public arena.

Despite all of the issues we mentioned above, society has made tremendous progress when it comes to the acceptance of sexual and erotic materials, ideas, and subjects in the 20th century. The industrial revolution, urbanization, and modern thought were the reasons why this happened, and why you’re going to prison for watching porn. 

Madam Dolly Erotic Museum
Frank Powolny - 20th Century Fox studio promo portrait Studio portrait photo of Betty Grable taken for promotional use


madam dolly canada sex museum
Sexual intercourse between a woman and a man on a terra cotta plaque from Mesopotamia, early 2nd millennium BCE (photo credit: The Israel Museum)

Ancient history

madam dolly canada sex museum
Urteil des Paris

The Middle Ages

Erotic art madam dolly

Modern age


If you think that erotica is a modern invention, you’re in for a surprise. There are records of “ancient porn” as far back as the Mesopotamian empire. Depictions of sexual acts were widespread in the art of the Mesopotamians, and they’ve even used erotic objects in their religious rituals. If you’re a conservative, here’s a shocker – these folks had a goddess of prostitution!

Further to the east, India is famous for the Kama Sutra. If you’ve never heard about it, it is a kind of instruction manual on how to have good sex with illustrations and textual descriptions of various poses. 

And even further eastward, there is the uncrowned king of erotic art – Japan. The Japanese created sexual illustrations called shunga, which go back to the tenth century. They were printed using wooden blocks, and the artists were able to reproduce them quickly. Along with this, a book called The Tale of Genji contains quite a bit of dirty talk.

In Europe, one of the earliest pieces of erotic art discovered so far is the Venus of Willendorf. This figurine has the shape of a woman with all of her sexually arousing features blown out of proportion. Of course, this figure probably wasn’t used for erotic purposes but was most likely a fertility symbol.

The Greeks and the Romans loved their erotica too! These civilizations had a great appreciation for all things sexual and viewed sexual imagery not as something obscene, but as a part of everyone’s daily life. Just browse the internet a bit, and you’ll come across photos of ancient vases with straight-up pornographic drawings.


Yes, even pious Christian Europe was no stranger to erotic art and pornographic imagery. You have to understand that, in the early days, it was no joke to get caught owning or, god forbid, producing such material. The church was very strict about this, and there were severe punishments for those found guilty of this crime.

Interestingly enough, the earliest examples of erotic art were created by none other than Christian monks. They were essentially doodles on the sides of pages in the books that they wrote and copied. However, things weren’t so bleak after all. The church turned a blind eye on art depicting old gods and their sexual acts. Some of Michelangelo’s works are an excellent example of this.These circumstances take a turn for the worse when Raimondi creates “I Mondi,” a series of sexually explicit engravings, and gets himself arrested by the Pope. 

The printing press was a game-changer in every sense of the word. It made books more widely available, and with them, a lot of erotic material. It was around that time the Vatican created an official list of banned books and has kept doing that until the 1960s. No matter how hard the church tried to suppress erotic art, there was no stopping the printing press. 


England produced the next great piece of (somewhat) erotica in the form of literature, called Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure. This book was written by John Cleland in the mid 18th century, and although it was mainly a satire of people’s tastes and fashion at the time, its description of sexual intercourse caught the attention of its critics. The book was, naturally, banned in Britain up until very recently!

Aside from painting and writing, the Victorian era saw a new star come into town – photography. We can thank this medium for thousands of photos of women exposing their private parts because they were so easy to produce. As technology advanced, erotic photography experienced a boom, and although still illegal, pornographic material was to be found nearly anywhere in the West.

Alongside photography, film paved the way for the ultimate acceptance of erotic visuals in the 20th century. After WWII, magazines like Playboy and Penthouse popped up, and not long after, those quirky Scandinavians legalized pornography for the first time in history. We assume that you know how the story goes from then on.

Fast forward to now and we’ve got all kinds of things going on. Just take a look at the billions of porn videos, perfectly legal, available to everyone, and most importantly, enjoying it is as acceptable as reading the newspaper on the subway. 

Then, we’ve got a whole universe of sex toys. Take our company for example, because our trade is perfectly acceptable today. We deal with human-like, realistic TPE sex dolls, and not only that, but we let you choose your preferred type of girl, for example asian sex doll, big booty sex doll, fat sex doll, and even a customized one! You couldn’t even imagine something like this fifty years ago, and not to even mention times before that.


It seems that things are looking bright for the Erotic Museum. Many of its counterparts have become noteworthy institutions in their countries, and more and more people seem to be interested in visiting them. Of course, we’ve also seen a lot of hit-and-miss situations, where sex museums closed not long after their opening day.

What does the future hold
Featured Image by Benita Marcussen
Madam Dolly Erotic Museum
What does the future hold?
Javier Pierini / Getty Images

It appears that 21st-century humans are becoming more open-minded when learning and exploring their sexuality, and sex museums are a useful tool on this journey. Speaking of tools, you might want to look at some sex doll reviews and do some hot experimentation yourself!

Of course, art enthusiasts who’ve never dealt with sexual topics are starting to notice and appreciate the fine erotic art, as well as abstract modern pieces too. The good news is that conservative labels like “obscene” and “inappropriate” that the society put on erotic art are starting to peel off, and people are interested in viewing these creations for what they are.


33kg (72.7lb)


28kg (61.7lb)

Vixen – 5’2″ (WM DOLL®)

Original price was: $1,999.00.Current price is: $1,699.00.

33kg (72.7lb)


25kg (55.1lb)

Brandy – 3’6.5″ (Exclusive Series®)

Original price was: $1,399.00.Current price is: $999.00.

36kg (79.4lb)

48kg (106lb)

45kg (99.2lb)


50kg (110lb)

Drew – 5’5″ (Exclusive Series®)

Original price was: $1,999.00.Current price is: $1,499.00.

38kg (83.8lb)