Whenever someone mentions a love doll, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? You probably picture a cheap inflatable doll that looks nothing like a real human being. There’s nothing realistic about a blowup doll. With its comically round mouth, a vagina that looks like it would hurt you more than give you pleasure, and terrible overall build quality.

Dolls for sex have been a staple of adult stores, porn, and have been a right of passage for many boys. However, technology has advanced over the years. Today, you can buy a love doll that is as close to a human as possible. A doll features realistic silicone skin, beautiful bodies, and can even come with artificial intelligence.

In this article, we’ll go over the history of sex dolls, what you should consider when buying one, a couple of reasons why you should own one, and we’ll showcase a couple of realistic sex dolls we have in offer.

But, before we get into the nitty-gritty of realistic dolls, let’s learn what a sex doll is.

redhead-sex-dollssexy beast wants to fuck madam dolly canada

50kg (110lb)

Drew – 5’5″ (Exclusive Series®)

Original price was: $1,999.00.Current price is: $1,499.00.


Sex dolls go by many names, including blowup, fornication mannequin, Dutch Wives, dame de voyage, sexual doll, etc. The term love doll or sex doll covers any sex toy that looks like an approximation of the human body you can use for sexual stimulation. Love dolls come in both male and female forms, and you can even find transgender models.

As you would expect, male sex dolls have a penis. Female sex dolls feature several orifices (mouth, vagina, anus) you can penetrate.

Sex dolls can be full size or constitute a single part of the human body like the ass, pussy, mouth, or penis.

Female dolls take the overwhelming majority of the market, almost 90%. On the other hand, male sex dolls take up only 10% of the market, and it’s estimated that the majority of these are bought by gay men.

Women are a minority group when it comes to the sale of love dolls. However, there is a surprising number of couples that are buying sex dolls.


You might think love dolls are an invention of modern times. But you’d be wrong. Very wrong.

Sex dolls have been around for centuries. The first documented evidence of a sex doll can be found in Ancient Greece. In poet Ovid’s Metamorphoses, he recounts a famous story of Pygmalion of Cyprus, a sculptor who fell in love with one of his sculptures. He was so obsessed with his creation that he used its form to take sexual pleasure with. Legend has it that Aphrodite took pity on the man and turned the statue into a real woman.

Using an approximation of human form for sexual pleasure is more common across cultures that you might think. For instance, a documented case of a gardener attempted to have sex with a statue of Venus De Milo in 1877.

Going back even further, sailors in the 15th and 16th centuries were also known to use a sex doll during long voyages. The dolls these sailors used we incredibly crude. They were made out of canvas and sailcloth. And since the supply was short, these crude dolls were passed around among seamen to enjoy at their leisure. Although, they were incredibly popular among European sailors, most notably the Dutch. Hence the term Dutch Wife. Thanks to the Dutch, these dolls even reached the Japanese, where they also became popular.

Photograph: Denise Bellon/Les Films de l’Équinoxe
Photograph: Denise Bellon/Les Films de l’Équinoxe
Anthony-Ferguson: The Sex Doll History
Oskar Kokoscha, 1900
Oskar Kokoscha, 1900


Sex dolls we know today were invented in the ’40s. What’s really interesting is that it’s rumored the Nazis were the ones who should be accredited for this invention. Why? Well, they wanted to deter their soldiers from having sex while conquering Europe. Thus the inflatable sex doll was invented under a code name “Borghild Field-Hygiene.” The rumor goes that every troop was issued with one inflatable doll to prevent STDs from spreading.

Although it’s easy to make fun of this rumor due to lack of evidence, it’s a bit weird that many dolls from the ’40s have a figure that closely resembles the Aryan ideal of the female body. It wasn’t until the 60s when sex dolls started hitting sex shop shelves. Early models were incredibly crude and were though as more of a gag than a sexual toy.

But, as it goes with many products, the industry kept innovating. The first love dolls built out of silicone started hitting the market in the late 80s early 90s. And in 1996, a company based in the US, Real Dolls, introduced the first solid latex love dolls that were more durable and offered custom posing options. The popularity of these sex dolls was even further boosted when radio host Howard Stern had sex with one live. Sales went to the roof, and many people credit Stern for the explosion of love dolls’ popularity.

At the same time, the Asian market got its first dolls. Many China-based companies started producing high-quality models that were cheaper than their American counterparts. Today, Asia is the number one exporter of high-quality silicone and TPE dolls.



Even if you never thought about owning a sex doll, you surely wondered how it would feel like to try one. And while you’re still on the fence about these dolls, we’re here to give you the top four reasons why you should buy a sex doll today!


As much as everyone likes sex, there are quite a few risks that come with it. How many times have you worried about getting STDs after a night with a stranger? If we were to guess, there were more than a couple of STD scares in your life.

No matter if it was a one-night-stand or just a night of casual unprotected sex, the risk of catching a nasty bug is always there. But with a sex doll, you don’t have to worry about such things.

With a love doll, you can have quality fucking whenever you want without worrying about any STDs. Your love doll will be yours, and only yours. You’ll be able to experience the bliss of sex, risk-free.


“So, where are we standing? Will this relationship become more than just casual fucking? Do you care about me?”

How many times have you had to deal with uncomfortable pillow talk? It’s incredibly challenging to explain to people that you don’t want a relationship just to have some fun.

With a sex doll, you don’t have to worry about talking. She’ll accept you for what you are and who you are. She won’t judge you, ask you uncomfortable questions, or text you in the middle of the night bitching at you. Your silicone love doll will always listen to you and be on your side. What’s not to like about that?


Just one quick browse through our site will show you the sheer variety of love dolls we offer. Are you looking for a big titted slut that will give you the best sexual experience of your life? Check out, Donna!

You can spend months searching tinder for the girl with that body type that makes you burn with desire. Not with love dolls. They’re just one click away.

Love dolls come in every size. You can get models that are as high as real women. And if short women rock your boat, you can check out Brandy. She’s only 108cm high, has enormous tits, thick ass, and she can’t wait to give you head! She’s just one click away from you. We accept both PayPal and credit card payments!

You can choose the exact body type your want, and in just a couple of weeks, you’ll get her in the mail! All dolls in our offering are made out of high-quality TPE silicone that’s soft to the touch but incredibly resistant to tearing. What’s more, all our models are as realistic as they come, and you can customize their hair and skin color, pubic hair, and even give them a custom voice.


Sex dolls won’t cause any stress in your life. Humans are complicated, and building a relationship can be incredibly tiring and stressful. Not with sex dolls, though. With a realistic love doll by your side, you don’t have to watch what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Realistic sex dolls won’t twist your words, and guilt trip you into doing stuff you don’t like.

Another awesome thing about sex dolls is that there are no pregnancy scares. You can cum inside her as much as you want without suffering the consequences. A silicone doll won’t lie to you she’s on the pill and later force you to pay the alimony for a kid you didn’t want.

Sex dolls also won’t cheat on you. They’ll stand by your side through thick and thin, and they can even help you experience real love. There are quite a few stories out there where people even got married to a high-quality doll.


Now that you’re not so new to the world of realistic dolls, it’s time we introduce you to our products. Here at Madam Dolly, you can find the best TPE realistic sex dolls on the market. Each doll that comes out of our factory is personally inspected for imperfections. We guarantee that each doll you find in our shop isn’t touched up for the photoshoot. What you see is what you get.

There are quite a few dolls we would like to feature in this article, but we’ll stick to one of our new models. Introducing, Gina, a fiery blonde with an ass that just doesn’t quit and big tits that beg for your attention.

Gina is one of the new models we have in offer, and one of our best selling products! Gina is 156cm tall and weighs 48kg. Gina is a gift from God if you’re a leg man. Her legs are 86cm tall and end with the most beautiful feet you’ve seen in your life!

She’s a perfect woman in every aspect! In fact, she’s the best woman you’ll ever fuck!

She features three orifices: mouth, ass, and vagina. All three orifices are as realistic as they come. Without a doubt, she’ll give you the best sexual experience in your life. You won’t find a woman like Gina, she’ll be the best fuck of your life!

Just like every doll in our shop, there she can be fully customized. You can choose between three different skin tones, eye colors, and types of pubic hair. On top of that you can also opt-in for standing feet and a vaginal warming dildo. And to top all this off, all custom options are completely free!

If Gina isn’t up to your taste, you can take a look at our other products. Each doll that comes out of our factory is made with care and attention. They’re made out of best materials around, and we guarantee whichever girl you choose, she’ll make you cum like never before.

What are you waiting for? Head on to our shop and take advantage of free customization options for some of our models today!