Send Me an Asian


“I wish they all could be California Asian girls…”  When the Beach Boys released ‘California Girls’ back in the 1960’s the beach blonde bombshell was the ‘it’ girl.  But fast forward to 2019, and while there certainly still is a place on the pedestal for hot blondes with bronze skin, there’s a new kind of woman on the block – sexy, sassy, playful, and wild – with erotic cat-like eyes and a body that doesn’t quit.  We’re talking of course about Asian girls.  Don’t believe us?  Well, it just so happens that the hottest, most popular selling sex dolls on the market today are Asian sex dolls.

I don’t know if it’s the mystery, the intrigue, or the exotic look of Madam Dolly Asian sex dolls but for whatever reason they are flat-out flying of the proverbial sex doll shelf.  Oh sure our ebony dolls, our aforementioned blonde bombshells, and others definitely receive their fair share of action and attention.  But there is no question that the Asian sex dolls are number one.

For more than three years now Paul (Madam Dolly Co-founder) and I have had the pleasure (not all the time!) of travelling various parts of China, and South East Asia in search of the best partners and suppliers.  Also during this time we have made it our goal to find the best looking girls in the region to model our line of Asian sex dolls after.

During our time here we have gotten to know a lot about the woman in this part of the world both from an appearance and personality standpoint.  Simply put Paul and I have become smitten with Asian girls.  Well, sort of.  Allow me to explain.

You see there is no denying the fact that Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai women etc. are hot, hot, hot, but there is also no denying the fact that having a romantic relationship with such women can be very challenging.  This is by no means a knock against woman or any person from this part of the world.  It’s simply the reality of the situation – romantic relationships between men and women of different cultures can be downright difficult.

Enter Madam Dolly Asian sex dolls.  Our dolls will allow you to enjoy all the sexual fantasies of being with an Asian woman without all the difficulties of actually ‘being’ with an Asian woman.  Sex can be had anytime, any day, and most importantly ANYWAY you want.  There is practically no end to what you and your Asian sex doll can do.  And with their amazingly life-like faces and their ultra-realistic bodies we don’t think you will disagree that our Asian sex dolls truly are even better than the real thing.

But enough chit chat.  Kindly take a moment to have a look at our website.  You will soon notice that our models come with our revolutionary Ultra TPE 3.0 silicone body and face that are second to none in the Asian sex doll industry.  We also have a one of kind offer on custom options – FREE.  Yes, if you don’t find exactly the Asian sex doll you have fantasized about you can create your own custom doll from our numerous available free options.

What are you waiting for?!


28kg (61.7lb)

Alisha – 5’1″ (SILICONE SEX DOLL®)

Original price was: $2,999.00.Current price is: $1,999.00.



36kg (79.4lb)

38kg (83.8lb)

28kg (61.7lb)

38kg (83.8lb)