An Easy Guide To Cleaning And Taking Care Of Your Sex Dolls
To preserve the durability and use of your love doll, keeping it clean and well-kept is essential.
Taking care of a high-quality sex doll is simple. Many clients have inquired regarding sex doll maintenance, and it is among the most important responsibilities to know and improve.
Sex Doll Cleaning and Maintenance
It is of great importance that you wash your dolls. By doing this, you are not only making your doll stay clean and fresh but also extending its lifespan. Remember that hygiene and longevity should always be balanced in the maintenance of your doll. Additionally, you are suggested to get into a routine with your doll. That way, you can always be certain that cleaning is performed at specified times and that constant washing would not affect the doll negatively. Cleaning the doll every 2-4 weeks is the standard advice given to doll owners.
There are specific methods to include when trying to wash a doll. Generally, the most effective way would be to use the shower or bathtub. Depending on your ability to lift and arranging the doll, it is suggested to use a gentle sponge with antibacterial soap to clean it lightly. You also need to use minimal pressure while washing the doll. Maintaining the skin is perhaps the most important aspect of it. Just take note to not be distracted while rubbing the doll’s body.
If you clean your doll, its neck and head mustn’t get overly wet or immersed underwater. This could allow rust to develop on the screws in the neck. To prevent microbial build-up, it is recommended to give your doll a thorough cleanse every two weeks. But this depends on how often you use it, of course.
Remember to remove excess lubricant or body fluid with a soft towel to start cleaning the doll. If applicable, you should remove the vaginal insert and wig to clean them separately.
After washing, drying the skin of your doll is highly necessary. The skin is far more susceptible to scratches when damp. Use a soft, non-irritating cloth to softly pat it dry. Concentrate on eliminating much of the water from its body while the remaining would look natural.
Put your doll down and let it dry for a couple of hours to guarantee that much of the moisture is removed. Then you can spread the talcum powder all across the body, giving it a pleasant aroma and a gentle touch.
Washing your silicone doll after you use it is a simple procedure and could be done in just a few minutes. That is if you are provided with the right equipment. One of the tools that are recommended for you is the vaginal irrigator.
Also called a douche or an enema bulb, the vaginal irrigator is the ideal equipment to clean your doll with. To use one of these, just fill it with water and soap, then wash and clean the vagina of your doll. This should be performed immediately after you’ve finished playing with your doll for great results. It is suggested that you start washing with cold water and then shift to lukewarm water and then sanitize it with soap.
You also have the luffa on a stick. For extra cleaning strength, you need Luffa on a stick as well. This will enable you to lightly scrub within the vagina of your doll, as well as the anus and mouth. The scrub will rid your doll of any traces left over from previous use. All residues must be eliminated as it can begin to smell foul or compromise the quality of your plastic doll overtime.
Of course, you wouldn’t forget about the handheld showerhead. Buying a detachable handheld shower head is a perfect choice for sex doll lovers who want to bathe with their dolls. Handheld showerheads allow owners to put a flow of water to wash their love dolls after usage. An additional advantage is a showerhead that has adjustable stream settings so that you can switch it up to a high-pressure level.
However, if you are on a budget, you can always opt for a squirt water bottle. Any water container with a squirting mouthpiece can be utilized as a makeshift vaginal irrigator to wash your doll. You’ll just need to follow the procedure given for the vaginal irrigator.
It is crucial to maintain the quality of your doll for it to last longer. Remember that you should not store your dolls in direct sunlight, which can cause serious damage and discoloration. Place the doll in a dry space at ambient temperature. Do not put it inside bathrooms, garages, or any other storage rooms that may become wet or moldy.
While holding or carrying your doll, make sure to observe the basic rules for carrying heavy objects: hold your back straight and bend your hips and knees. Dolls are quickest to move if held vertically. It is suggested to wrap both arms around your doll’s waist to create the ‘Bearhug’ position.
For general maintenance, Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) dolls 3-4 times a year. It is advised not to over oil your dolls. Also, apply a minimal amount of vaseline or petroleum jelly to places of high tension like the knees, inner groin, and openings as needed. Until storing, add cornstarch or flour to the doll. Take note to not use alcohol or silicone-based materials such as those used in lubricants, wipes, and fragrances.

Remember that your sex doll is a delicate thing, put too much pressure on it, and it will be damaged. Use an abrasive soap, and you will probably harm the skin and cause discoloration all over. So, here are a few tips to take note of:
- Don’t use rough materials or sharp items.
- Don’t use a hairdryer or some other heating gadget on your doll.
- Don’t use perfumes as they have alcohol that can be drying.
- Don’t use baby wipes; they hurt the TPE.
- Don’t use lubricants or products based on synthetic.
- Don’t dress in dark clothing unless tested for colorfastness.
Remember all of these tips given to you to have the assurance of your doll’s longevity. Take care of it as if it was a real human being, and you and the doll will certainly be able to spend more time together.