With a little common sense and some tender care, your sex doll will be able to maintain its sexy body and youthful looks for years (and years) to come.
Cleaning and Caring
When should I first clean my doll?
For obvious hygienic reasons, you should clean your doll once she is out of the carton. She absolutely must be cleaned before any sexual contact.
What Should I Use To Clean My Doll?
• Antibacterial soap
• Warm water
• Light sponge
• Non-abrasive washcloth
• Cotton buds
How Do I Clean My Doll’s Vagina, Anus, and Mouth?
As always, you can do it by washing the doll in your bathtub or shower. A soft spray from your shower head is an excellent way to ‘blast out’ any bacteria. Or you can simply lay your doll down sideways on any flat surface so that both the vagina and anus of the doll are visible and reachable. Then follow the steps listed below:
- Grab a small sponge swab with medical pincers and coat the sponge in warm water and antibacterial soap, making sure that it is entirely covered.
- Now use the pincers and gently move them around the orifice until it is thoroughly clean.
- Remove the sponge and clean it by using warm water. Repeat step 1 & 2 again.
- At this stage the vagina and anus should be completely clean and free of any bacteria.
- Using the pincers again, grab a second dry swab sponge and insert it in the vagina and anus to take out most of the moisture, then remove the sponge.
When it comes to the cleaning of your doll’s mouth, simply repeat the steps listed above. The cleaning process is the same, only quicker and easier.
How Often Should I Clean My Entire Doll?
We strongly suggest that you clean your doll head to toe once every 2 – 4 weeks. Any more than this may have adverse effects.

How Do I Clean My Doll’s Body?
The process is actually very much similar to how we all clean up. You can choose to either shower your doll or to submerge your doll in a bathtub – it is up to you.
If you decide to put your doll in the shower it is very important that you prevent the doll’s neck or head becoming too wet. Never submerge the head or neck in water.
Simply use the light sponge to thoroughly wash the doll with the antibacterial soap, making sure not to apply too much pressure in order to preserve the skin.
How Do I Dry My Doll After Cleaning?
This process, too, is actually very much similar to how we all dry after bathing.
Simply use a light non-abrasive cleaning cloth to gently pat down the doll when wet. Try not to apply too much pressure as the final part of the drying will be natural.
Once you have removed most of the moisture from the doll, allow it to sit for an hour and full dry naturally (Unless you simply can’t wait to have sex with her before then).
Making sure that your doll is fully dry is very important as it prevents any friction on the skin which could potentially cause a tear of the skin.
How to Wash the Doll’s Face?
Use a warm sponge with antibacterial soap to gently pat down the face. Pay special attention to the eyes and eyelashes as you want to avoid getting these wet. A cotton bud can help clean some of the more delicate or difficult to reach places.
Gently then pat down the face with a dry non-abrasive cloth to remove most of the moisture, allowing it to sit for an hour after this to dry naturally. Do not submerge your dolls head in water at any point.
What Not To Do When Cleaning Your Doll
There are a few things we strongly advise against – keep this in mind while cleaning your doll; this is very important if you want to increase the lifetime of your doll:
- Do not useany kind of cleaning agents, as some could cause a reaction on the skin.
- Do not useany sharp objects while cleaning the doll that could puncture the skin.
- Avoid havingthe head or neck of the doll submerged in water for any period of time. Never submerge your dolls head or neck in water.
- Do not apply too much pressure to the doll’s skin when cleaning or drying the doll as this could potentially lead to a tear.
- Never use a hairdryer to dry your doll. This will almost certainly damage your doll.

Cleaning The Doll’s Wig
Cleaning the wig is pretty straightforward. You will only need three things:
- Mild Shampoo
- Mild Conditioner
- Comb
We suggest that you remove the doll’s wig and wash it thoroughly with both the shampoo and conditioner. Once you think it is clean enough, simply allow it to dry naturally. You may also want to buy a wig stand – it will make things easier and speed up the whole process.
Once the doll’s wig is dry, gently comb the hair starting from the bottom and slowly working your way up to the top. This will prevent you from pulling the comb through any knots and removing hair from the wig.
Cleaning The Doll’s Clothes
It is very important to check the clothes you are putting on your doll. Make sure that it cannot transfer any of the colours to the doll. Both types of skin, silicone and TPE will take on any colour from clothing if the clothes have not been thoroughly washed prior to its use on the doll. TPE skin, in particular, is very porous and could end up with a stain that you cannot wash out.
To clean the clothes, use your usual washing technique but ensure that the clothing is fully dried before putting it on the doll.
This applies to anything that comes into contact with the doll if it contains ink or anything that could potentially discolour the skin.
Where Do I Store My Love Doll?
You have many options when it comes to storing the doll.
- Your closet
- Sex Doll storage box
- Original shipping box
- Any place that is relatively dry and clean
Need Assistance? Contact Us Today
If you need further information or guidance, contact us at service@madamdolly.com. Our dedicated team at Madam Dolly is always here to provide the personalized help you need to make the perfect choice.